Yes – I know – not got round to updating this for a while. Sorry about that 🙁
It’s been a rather busy few months recently – what with one thing and another. Not always “of the good” – but … well that’s another matter.
Anyway – good news is that the current project is growing closer and closer to being finished. I’m at the stage of things now where I am supposedly not touching code, but concentrating on debugging, tweaking layouts, and so forth.
Unfortunately I did end up tweaking some code. Good news is that many of the adjustments worked ok. One feature didn’t – so that’s been left out.
Anyway – a few probs at home have reared their head – so will be back to the keyboard in more earnest this weekend. Fortunately have a day or two off from work – so that’s a good thing.
Onto more fun matters….. BATTLEZONE!!!
That excellent coder Chris Pile – who brought an amazing version of CP/M in ProDos and an excellent version of the arcade classic Defender – has brought out a new project, that he’s been working hard on over some time – a version of the classic Battlezone game.
And what can I say – but it’s a really well polished project.
Nice and smooth (and quite fast) 3D, as challenging as ever – and even supports the Trinity interface (see for more info!) too – using it for storing keys and high-score table.
My wonderful video skills (ok don’t laugh at once!) have generated two vids of it in action – this is played on Trinity itself (the picture has been adjusted slightly for brightness due to the capture) – as played on the SimCoupe emulator – I managed to score a bit better on this quick game 🙂
Anyway – hope you enjoy them, – check out this page for more info on the game!