Bah Humbug!

Well – I had planned to keep this updated more regularly with progress on the project.
Unfortunately things happen – and recently that involves some very not good things.

I have however continued in more work on the game. It’s progressing well. Still some playtesting and tweaking needing doing – but overall – not doing bad.

I did decide to make an addition recently however. Still in two minds about it – as although when it works (which it ALMOST does ) it’s quite effective – it is causing some issues due to working with the legacy code as I am – so still keeping an open mind about using it .

Hence not talking too much about what it is 🙂

Work has been rather hectic with the 9-8 job however, so that’s sapping a lot of my creative juices at present – and leaving my slightly kernackered to say the least. So doing what I can when I can.

New post following with something else i’ve been tinkering with…!
(two in one day! am I spoiling you? Nah!)