Platform games….

On my sabatical from Z80 based systems I was doing a lot of fun* things with CMSs. So using Tumblr really feels like both: a) a refreshing change b) a crippling change

So – I’m thinking… do I try and install a CMS again?

Honest answer – I’m not sure. I’ve used some systems – and even contributed in one way or the other with them. And even though I can appreciate their positive aspects – there’s always the concern about security.

At the end of the day – there’s a lot of naughty and not nice people out there. Ok, I appreciate there are some well meaning hacker types who will advise developers of where they’ve gone wrong… but there’s also not-so-nice types who delight in being unpleasant. And at the end of the day – whatever size project you’re supporting – there’s always that risk that some not-well-meaning type will make life just too hard for a projects team.

Putting all that aside – I’m still considering it. There’s one or two smaller projects I rather like the look of – and there’s the obligitory over sized projects like WordPress… but as I said – security is my concern. And stability.

Knowing which CMS platform to go for is harder than deciding where to place what type of platform tile in a room or series of rooms, that’s for certain!

Oh fun fun fun. Let’s get back to some code and graphics fixes instead while I ponder on all this!

Hugs + Kisses

*Fun is a term that I would use both in an accurate – and a very satirical vein. Projects, unfortunately, involve people. People can be very nice, very helpful, and good fun to go on camping trips with. Or they can be complete *******  who go behind peoples back, steal servers, rip off code with no creditation, go on a hate and smear campaign – and basically be complete and utter…. well not nice people. Come to think of it – that’s probably the same in all communities sadly.

PS: Edited a naughty word!


Well flu did really mess me up recently. Only just getting back into my stride again….

However – before my breathing system got replaced with a mixture of superglue and sawdust – work was moving along rather well on level one of the game.

Indeed – it appears that I only really need to add some corrected sprites (slightly mislined in the grabbing process), some conveyor belts moving the right direction (but why can’t I confuse people and have the pointing the wrong way? :)) and a couple of key blocks.

Otherwise it’s looking pretty good.

The good thing is – that the work on level 1 will also rather help with level 2 somewhat – so as soon as my fixes are done in the next few days (hopefully!) then I can finally get 2 underway.

Also managed to get a nice shiny new font installed…. and realised that if I want – I could even go for a multi-colour approach. I’ll have to test that though to see what it looks like…

I have been toying with a few miner (ho ho) changes to the finished names of the game and levels – not set in stone (ho ho) yet – but we’ll see very soon!

Anyway – back to the vics, and early night – and perhaps more code tomorrow again!

Round and round….

Well, the routine I was decoding was starting to get my nerves somewhat – so I had to get some more experienced help.

It now makes more sense somewhat – almost decoded it – but it’s rather clever coding. Well to me at least 🙂

Thanks for the assist Balor 🙂 Would have cost me more of a hair-loss without!

Might as well face it, i’m …

I love puzzle games.

In fact I’ve been told many times in the past that they are probably something I’m a bit addicted to….. Whilst working for a not-as-well-known as it should have been computer manufacturer in Wales in the 90′s – a Tetris game was my pleasure and curse.

And now I’m cursed again: but in a good way!!! 🙂

I have got to recommend the excellent SAM Coupe Tetris game by the incredibly talented Balor Price – who lives at

(oh: the link is actually here)

It’s a damn good game. Seriously.

And I’m not just saying that because I tested it. I’d have played it silly without being asked. But I’m grateful.

But I’m hiding the file because I’ve some games to do.

And I’m playing with a lot of Willy at the moment. So I’d better not play it for a bit 🙂