
Damn flu – make me even grumpier than normal, if that’s at all possible.

However, one thing that has brought a smile to my face (which is a rare site – and tantamount normally to seeing Mr Michael Myers of the Haddonfield Myers, wearing his beloved mask… as in rather scary!) is seeing some amazing graphics for my current project.

Thank you to the talented person responsible, and these will certainly help make it look much much better!

Have done a bit more work – hope to get more on the way now i’ve stopped with as many pounding migraines.

bah :(

Bit unwell at the moment – and rather exhausted with work.

Coming back to things as soon as i can – but flat out at work and brane-herts when get home 🙁

Bugger! *

*Not literally!

More ‘ead ‘itting…

However – I’m rather pleased. I aimed to get to a pretty far stage in my basic editor – and pretty much hit my target.

Save, load, palette cycling – and a good step towards allowing completed data to be saved in its run-time format.

Woo-hoo! Time to go to the piccies me thinks!

Postman Pat…..

Well no idea his or her name, they appear when i’m at work – and mostly leave lovely pressies in the way of bills.

No idea who Bill is and why he leaves me his correspondence. Thank goodness for recycling.

But this time it wasn’t anything for Bill … it was actually for me! And it was some nice CD’s!

One I can’t really talk about – but it was very much appreciated!

The other was a great new album, called Wave Forms, from a very talented group by the name of Axxent Opaque.

You may not of heard of them before – but they’re a very talented Electronic group, fronted by 3 very talented gentlemen – including my old work colleague Mr Colin Jordan.

A link to their Facebook site can be found in a moment. I recommend checking out the sampler on their Youtube site, and hitting that nice buy button.

I’m looking forward to a weekend at the computer(s) listening to the album in full.

Good music helps me concentrate 🙂

(Buy link etc can be found in the Facebook comments!)